December 2003

This is the continuation of my accounts of making desem bread, which is made with just flour, water, salt and nothing else. It's somewhere between regular baking and a science project.

Filed under:  bread baking desem
Keep reading Desem, Day 7 →

Yesterday, I took the cut away desem and made desem dosas. I had never made dosas with desem that was so young before, it but it still came out great.

Filed under:  snack desem favorites
Keep reading Desem dosas →

This is the continuation of my accounts of making desem bread, which is made with just flour, water, salt and nothing else. It's somewhere between regular baking and a science project.

The desem has spent its final day covered with flour in the incubator-pot. Today I take it out to start it on its way to being a "mother", for many delicious desem breads to come.

Filed under:  bread baking desem
Keep reading Desem, Day 6 →

I grew up in Japan, England and the U.S., so all the good and bad of the food culture of each country is part of my food vocabulary. While I like to try out new things as much as any enthusiastic cook. "comfort food" to me means things that I used to eat when I was little.

Filed under:  snack fish sandwich retro
Keep reading Fishfinger buttie →

This is the continuation of my accounts of making desem bread, which is made with just flour, water, salt and nothing else. It's somewhere between regular baking and a science project.

The desem isn't as active today, but it's certainly moving and growing. This is how the incubator-pot looks when I opened it up:

Filed under:  bread baking desem
Keep reading Desem, Day 5 →

This is the continuation of my accounts of making desem bread, which is made with just flour, water, salt and nothing else. It's somewhere between regular baking and a science project.

Yesterday I was a bit worried because the desem hadn't grown or changed at all. So I made two adjustments: I increased the amount of water in the dough a bit to make it softer, and I switched the location of the incubator/pot to a warmer location.

Filed under:  bread baking desem
Keep reading Desem, Day 4 →

This is the continuation of my accounts of making desem bread, which is made with just flour, water, salt and nothing else. It's somewhere between regular baking and a science project.

The desem has been incubating for 2 days since it was born. I take the pot up from the washing machine room and open the lid.

Filed under:  bread baking desem
Keep reading Desem, Day 3 →

I'm afraid the photo came out with a slight yellowish cast to it since I took it in the afternoon sun.

Filed under:  chocolate dessert snack swiss chestnuts
Keep reading Chestnut cream cup →


I love cute things, but when it comes to kitchen ware it has to be practical as well as cute. Koziol is a German company that makes things that fit both requirements. They aren't as well known as the Italian company Alessi, but I think their stuff is as well designed - and, it's a lot more affordable.

Filed under:  equipment foodie gifts
