links for 2006-08-11
Sort of like...public access television wine reviews. From a basement.
Meg reflects on how it's getting harder to avoid Starbuck's in the US. I don't have anything against them, but they seem to have wiped out many local cafes in NY, and I sure hope they don't do the same in Europe.
Submitted by maki on 2006-08-11 03:28.
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16 August, 2006 - 18:20
links for 2006-08-11
We've had a bunch of visitors this summer, and almost all of them have remarked on how surprised they were to see that Zurich has a Starbucks on practically every corner (guess my surprise has worn off). It's on the march...
Adam Rakunas
16 August, 2006 - 18:22
links for 2006-08-11
Hey, thanks for mentioning Wineass. That's actually Eddie's living room, as we don't have many basements in Southern California.
We've got reviews coming out every other day, and we're looking for other contributors, especially for white wine. Be sure to come back for more!