links for 2006-08-17
She'll be one of the most powerful women in corporate America.
Okay...who brings whipped cream on board in their carryon? And pudding?! Sometimes you have to laugh to avoid getting too depressed about the state of the world :)
Ms. Barbara reviews hierloom tomatoes.
Ms. Sam, and Fred, review three varieties of garlic.
A long list of resources. Hours and hours of reading for any food history buff. (via rebecca blood)
another article about food photography. Mmm, foam lasagna.
Oh no... a pesto shortage! And I was too busy elsewhere to plant up basil in the garden this year...
"Lifestyle Presenter & Celebrity Chef Paul Da Costa Greaves" presents this line of chocolate with essential oils. I think he's nailed all the trendy buzzwords...
I guess this is good news...though BSE may be easier to control in a small country like Switzerland.
Looks very easy to use...much easier than those heated bag sealers and such.
Submitted by maki on 2006-08-17 03:36.
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