links for 2006-06-28
Suggestions for frozen drinks for a block party (other than margaritas). I have frozen drinks on my mind lately..
Whatever happened to the 1000 recipes project? The blog hasn't been updated since September. Anyone know?
A PR disaster for the UK chocolate company. A bad year for chocolate companies.
Sometimes I wonder if I'd enjoy myself more in restaurants if I weren't scribbling down what I ate. But then a lot of descriptions would end with "thingie".
One of the great summer sandwiches. Run this through your favorite translation thingy.
Article about our Harold, of course!
It's true, sausages in Germany and Switzerland too, are really really good. I hardly ever meat in tube form in the U.S. but here I have to have my wurst fixes.
...and Modern Candy Making Simplified; Also, the Process of Drying Fruits and Vegetables, and Butchering Time Recipes (c1921), by Geographical Publishing Co. (PDF). Fascinating reading.
Submitted by maki on 2006-06-28 03:37.
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